Your Child, Your Dream

We dream of our children being the best version of themselves possible. We dream of our children treating other fairly regardless of race, gender or anything else. We dream of our children making a difference in the world in some way.

We dream of raising Little Differences.

MyWorld Raising Diversity Flashcards

What We Show Is What They'll Know

Kids will learn what they are shown.

The more we teach them to have confidence in themselves, treat other people fairly regardless of where they are from or any other differences, focus on developing their minds and to stand up for others, the more they will do exactly those things.

Its Never Too Early To Start

By 3 months babies look more at faces that match the race of their caregiver. By 5, black and latinx children show no preference to their own groups. White children at this age show a preference to whiteness. This could be because black and latinx children see mostly people that don't look like them daily through environment or as the main characters on TV. By diversifying what we show our children, we could help to lessen preferences

Raising Kids With Confidence

How littles treat themselves is just as important as how they treat others... so lets give them the inner confidence that they need to be their outer best self!